Principles of Practice

The LSU University Ombuds Office adheres to ethical standards established by the International Ombuds Association and provides services based upon the following principles: 


No records, No investigations, No mandates. Visiting with the ombuds is voluntary and “off the record”; you are not giving LSU “notice.” The ombuds is not HR. HR is a formal process, with documented records and employee accountability. The ombuds does not testify or participate in formal proceedings.


You will not be identified or named without your consent. LSU has designated the University Ombuds Office as confidential and the Ombuds is not required to report matters to Title IX, HR, or Legal.

Exceptions:  When disclosure is required by law or under a reasonable belief of imminent harm to person or property. The decision to make a safety disclosures rests solely with the Ombuds.

Neutral and Independent

The University Ombuds Office is a neutral and impartial resource for resolving issues and voicing concerns. The ombuds represents the side of fairness. The Ombuds Office is not aligned with any person or department and is not an advocate for any person, group, or organization. The ombuds does not offer legal advice or mental health counseling. The Ombuds Office is independent and reports to the General Counsel for administrative and budget purposes.