Scholarships | LSU Manship School of Mass Communication



The Manship School of Mass Communication has a strong scholarship program for entering freshmen and continuing students. Students must be admitted to LSU with a mass communication major in order to be considered for mass communication scholarships.  

Entering Freshmen

Entering freshmen apply for LSU and mass communication scholarships through the LSU admissions application online. When you complete your application and choose mass communication as a major, you will also complete an activities and awards section that becomes your scholarship application. The priority deadline for all scholarships (including mass communication scholarships) at LSU is December 15. The final deadline for all mass communication freshmen scholarships is early spring.

Current Students

Current students apply for LSU and mass communication scholarships through the LSU Blackbaud Award Management. This system will enable you to search for and apply to various opportunities funded through the generosity of private donors to LSU. 

You will log in to this one-stop-shop by using your myLSU credentials. Students should complete this application each academic year to ensure the most accurate information is on file for review. 

Study Abroad Scholarships

The Manship School also offers three study abroad/away scholarships annually for students seeking to enhance their academic experience beyond the LSU campus.

Other LSU Scholarships

In addition to the scholarships offered by the Manship School, LSU offers a large variety of undergraduate scholarships. Consult the LSU General Catalog for additional information or check the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships