News By Date

LSU Co-hosts Superintendents from Across the Country in an Effort to Enhance STEM Education
CC&E joined with the East Baton Rouge Parish School System and LSU's College of Human Sciences and Education to host AASA, the school superintendent's association, for their STEM Leadership Consortium.

The path to clean water: 50 years in the making
On the 50th anniversary of its passage, CC&E faculty discuss the local significance of the Clean Water Act as well as its future.

LSU Scientist leads a US team In International Effort to Understand Air-sea Gas Exchange in Labrador Sea
An LSU Scientist will be leading the US team as part of an international research expedition to the Labrador Sea

Resistance and Resilience: The Impact of Weather Disturbances on the Louisiana and Texas Coast
With a new grant from NASA, LSU scientists will track the impact of severe weather disturbances on the coastal wetlands and estuaries in Louisiana and Texas.

Sea Level Rise Sentinels: Documenting Biodiversity in the Rising Waters of the Gulf of Mexico
LSU scientists will be using innovative techniques to document biodiversity in the Gulf of Mexico as part of the NOAA's Marine Biodiversity Observation Network

LSU Researchers Join Multi-Institutional Team to Investigate Sources of Methane in Coastal Wetlands
Scientists will examine natural sources of the greenhouse gas methane along Louisiana's coast

Litter Tracker: LSU Professor Works to Find the Source of Baton Rouge Neighborhoods' Litter
Some of the litter in Baton Rouge neighborhoods may be coming from an unexpected source: the city's garbage trucks

Little Rodent, Big Appetite: Researchers identify the dietary impacts of invasive mice on the Farallon Islands
Rodents on the Farallon Islands, the largest seabird breeding colony in the contiguous U.S., have had a large impact on the native ecosystem, says new research at LSU.

New Research Sheds Light on Marine Turtles in the Gulf of Mexico
An LSU researcher releases the largest ever assessment of marine turtle diving behavior in the Gulf of Mexico.

CC&E Expands the Pipeline for a Diverse Workforce of Coastal and Environmental Scientists Through Partnerships with Four Local Schools
CC&E faculty partner with local school leaders to reach the next generation of coastal and environmental scientists.

Less Water in the Mississippi Means a Smaller Dead Zone This Year
LSU scientists determined the smaller size of the Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico is primarily due to lower than expected river levels

Department of Environmental Sciences Chair Wins Prestigious ACS Fellowship
Department of Environmental Sciences Chair Kevin L. Armbrust was named a 2022 Fellow of the American Chemical Society

Salty Coastal Marshes Are Moving Inland
LSU Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences Professor Emeritus John Day recently co-authored a study highlighting the nature of coastal wetland loss in Louisiana and around the country. The study was published on July 1 in Science Advances, a publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences.

How Nuclear War Would Affect Earth Today
A new study published today provides stark information on the global impact of nuclear war.

Protecting Our Coastline
LSU oceanographer develops new model to better predict barrier island retreat

Congratulations to CC&E's Spring Class of 2022!
On May 20, the LSU College of the Coast & Environment awarded degrees to 32 graduates of the spring class of 2022.

Caribbean Coral Reefs Need Our Help
Marine ecologists warn of coral extinction by the end of the century.

LSU Honors AAAS Fellows
On April 27, the LSU College of the Coast & Environment, or CC&E, and the College of Science, or CoS, jointly hosted a reception to honor the LSU faculty members who have been recently elected as Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS).

Second Chances: LSU CC&E Combines Research with Workforce Training for Parolees
The LSU College of the Coast & Environment has partnered with Blue Latitudes and the Louisiana Parole Project on a National Science Foundation, or NSF, Convergence Accelerator-funded project that will analyze the use of decommissioned petroleum platforms as artificial reefs while providing Parole Project participants with workforce training needed to succeed.

LSU Assistant Professor Jennifer Brum Earns Simons Foundation Grant
LSU Assistant Professor Jennifer Brum is one of five in the nation who have earned this year's Simons Foundation grant for her project, "Early Career Investigator in Marine Microbial Ecology and Evolution Award." The Simons Foundation is a national organization dedicated to advancing the frontiers of research in mathematics and the basic sciences.

LSU Student Receives NSF Grant to Study Water Management and Resiliency in the Netherlands
LSU student Kelli Moran is one of 14 in the nation to receive a National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant that supports graduate student study in the Netherlands. Moran is a doctoral candidate in the College of the Coast & Environment.

LSU Professor John R. White Earns 2022 National Wetlands Award
LSU Professor John R. White has been awarded the 2022 National Wetlands Award in the scientific research category. White serves as associate dean of research for the LSU College of the Coast & Environment (CC&E) and is the fifth member of the college to do so. Bestowed annually to a single individual by the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), this prestigious award recognizes a scientist who has demonstrated exceptional effort, innovation, and excellence in wetlands conservation and who is dedicated to educating students and stakeholders about the value of wetlands.

Two LSU CC&E Projects Funded by Louisiana Sea Grant’s 2022 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
This spring, two undergraduate students who are working with advisors in the LSU College of the Coast & Environment have been selected to participate in Louisiana Sea Grant’s 2022 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), which provides talented undergraduate students interested in pursuing advanced studies in coastal-related disciplines with hands-on research experience.

LSU Leads "Delta Force"
When the U.S. Army needed to understand how climate change will affect the so-called "critical zone"--the thin land surface layer comprised of vegetation, soils, and sediments--to improve their own planning and secure people, equipment, and infrastructure, they turned to LSU.