Research News

$20 Million Federal Grant Will Boost Biomedical Science Collaborations Across Louisiana
The LA CaTS Network, which has built a statewide research infrastructure based on a collaborative partnership involving 11 major Louisiana academic, research and healthcare delivery institutions, has been selected by the National Institutes of Health to receive a $20 million, five-year grant to continue its work to make Louisiana healthier by addressing health disparities and improving health outcomes in the state’s underserved population with chronic diseases.

LSU Professor Researches Autonomous Truck Platooning
So many things have changed during the COVID-19 pandemic, one being transportation. During the past two years, the need for truck drivers and supplies has ramped up, leading one LSU professor to research improvements to the supply chain while making traffic safety a priority using autonomous vehicles.

LSU Physics Professor Launches New AI Space Start-up
Atlantis Industries aims to accelerate off-world technology breakthroughs.

Library of Congress to House Louisiana Veterans' Stories Collected by LSU Students
Members of the media are invited to a presentation on Aug. 30 by Library of Congress' Veterans History Project Director Monica Mohindra, who will speak about the partnership between LSU and the Library of Congress.

Less Water in the Mississippi Means a Smaller Dead Zone This Year
Last month, the research expedition tasked with making the annual measurements of the Gulf of Mexico’s “Dead Zone” came back with a not-unexpected but lower than usual number: this year, the zone measures approximately 3,275 square miles. In other words, it is the 8th smallest it has been since measurements began 36 years ago.

LSU Health New Orleans Discovers Major Contributor to Alzheimer’s Disease
Research led by Drs. Yuhai Zhao and Walter J Lukiw at the LSU Health New Orleans Neuroscience Center and the Departments of Cell Biology and Anatomy, Neurology and Ophthalmology, reports for the first time a pathway that begins in the gut and ends with a potent pro-inflammatory toxin in brain cells contributing to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alternative Oyster Culture Anchoring System to be Tested
When many alternative oyster culture operations on Grand Isle were damaged during the 2020 hurricane season, Louisiana State University (LSU) researchers and Louisiana Sea Grant personnel thought they found a mechanism to help AOC farms defend against tropical storms.

ECE Ph.D. Student Wins Pair of Awards at IEEE Events
Mohadese Movahednia, a research assistant and Ph.D. student in the LSU Division of Electrical & Computer Engineering, was recently awarded the3rd best paper award at the 2022 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Texas Power and Energy Conference and 2nd best poster award at the 2022 IEEE PES (Power and Energy Society) General Meeting.

Below-average Gulf of Mexico ‘dead zone’ measured
NOAA-supported scientists announced that this year’s Gulf of Mexico “dead zone”— an area of low to no oxygen that can kill fish and marine life — is approximately 3,275 square miles.

LSU AgCenter to Expand Bioproducts, Bioprocessing Research with New Grant
The Louisiana Board of Regents has awarded the LSU AgCenter Louisiana Institute for Bioproducts and Bioprocessing a grant of nearly $1 million to upgrade equipment for the state-approved institute.

LSU PETE Faculty, ExxonMobil URC Study Gas Migration at PERTT Lab
ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company has joined forces with LSU Craft & Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering faculty to conduct gas migration experiments as part of a financial grant from ExxonMobil URC.

LSU Expanding Efforts to Digitize Louisiana’s Diverse Cultural Institutions
The LSU Libraries was one of five to receive the 2022 Catalyst Fund from LYRASIS, which serves and supports 1,000 academic and public libraries, archives, museums and cultural heritage organizations in 28 countries.

Two Studies Look at Female Athletes’ Mental, Physical Resilience
Two new studies will examine female athletes’ mental and physical resilience via two newly funded grants, dedicated to improving performance and helping people thrive throughout their lives.

LSU Chemical Engineering Faculty Researching Means of Decreasing Greenhouse Gases
Combustion of natural gas, chiefly comprised of methane, provides a major portion of our nation’s energy needs. Additionally, methane can be reacted with steam in a process known as methane steam reforming to produce carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2), which are then used to produce a wide range of fuels and chemicals.

Two LSU Graduate Students Named Knauss Fellowship Finalists
Sponsored by the National Sea Grant College Program, the John A. Knauss Fellowship matches graduate students with an interest in ocean and coastal resources and national policy affecting those resources with hosts in federal legislative or executive branch offices for one year.