Selected Publications
Ghosh, R., & Manongsong, A.M. (Accepted). Workplace Learning in Mentoring (WPLM): A Scale Development and Validation
Study. Journal of Workplace Learning. [Journal Article]
Nachmias, S., Chai, D., Manongsong, A. M., & Mustafa, M. (2025). Shaping tomorrow: Human Resource Development International
at the forefront of change. Human Resource Development International, 28(1), 1–4. [Editorial]
Manongsong, A.M., & Ghosh, R. (2023). Navigating Tensions at the intersections of Racial and Gender
Identities in Diversified Mentoring: Lived Experiences of Minoritized Women Leaders
in Higher Education. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 25(4), 247-278. [Journal Article]
Ghosh, R., Reio, T., & Manongsong, A.M. (2022). Incivility experienced by immigrants struggling with acculturation: Exploring
buffering effects of holding behaviors by mentors. Career Development International.
Manongsong, A.M., & Ghosh, R. (2021). Developing Positive Identity of Minoritized women Leaders in
Higher Education: How can Multiple and Diverse developers help with overcoming Imposter
Phenomenon? Human Resource Development Review, 1 – 73.
Ghosh, R., Hutchins, H., Rose, K., & Manongsong, A. (2020). Exploring mutuality in formal mentoring through the lens of mentoring schema:
Lived experiences of faculty in diverse mentoring partnerships. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 31(3), 319-340
Book Chapters
Elliot, K., Manongsong, A.M., & Kelly, K. (Accepted). Connecting Global Research to Pedagogical Practice. Global
Education: Linking Theory and Practice: Part B. [Book Chapter]
Ghosh, R., & Manongsong, A.M. (2021). Attracting and motivating the Millennials: How can Mentoring help? In M.
Malloch & B. O’Connor (Eds). The SAGE Handbook of Learning and Work. Sage Publications.
Ghosh, R., & Manongsong, A.M. (2021). Designing and Studying Mentoring Programs: Review and Discussion. In W. Murphy
& J. Tosti-Kharas (Eds). Handbook of Research Methods in Careers. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Symposiums, Papers, & Talks
Manongsong, A.M., Rizzuto, T., Ash, J., & Jeong, S. (2025, February). Defining leadership in higher
education: Aligning practices with Yukl’s taxonomy. Symposium at the annual Academy
of Human Resource Development Conference, Washington, D.C.
Kannan, S., Manongsong, A.M., & Robinson, P. (2025, February). Advancing HRD Goals through AI in Recruitment:
A Meta-Ethnographic Study of Stakeholder Perspectives. Symposium at the annual Academy
of Human Resource Development Conference, Washington, D.C.
Kannan, S., Robinson, P., & Manongsong, A.M. (2025, February). Global Leadership Development through Natural Language Processing:
A Systematic Review and Its Implications for Human Resource Development. Symposium
at the annual Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Washington, D.C.
Manongsong, A.M., & Schulthies, M. (2023, June). No Faculty Left Behind: Mapping an Integrated Policy
Frame Analysis of Promotion to Full. Early-Stage Innovations Roundtable at the 2023
ADVANCE Equity in STEM Community Convening, Durham, VA.
Manongsong, A.M., Jamal, S., Windell, A., & Omwami, E. (2021, March). Navigating mentoring relationships.
Panelist at a Pre-Conference Workshop at Comparative and International Education Society,
2021 Virtual Conference.
Manongsong, A.M., & Kelly, K. (2021, February). Conferencing and networking in virtual spaces. Professional
development presentation hosted by GNOME’s Graduate Student Association at Drexel
Ghosh, R., & Manongsong, A.M. (April, 2020). Designing and Studying Mentoring Programs: A Review and Discussion.
Roundtable session at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco,
CA. (Conference Canceled)
Manongsong, A.M., Vanner, C., & Kelly, K. (2020, April). Creating E-Mentorship (Workshop 3). Program
Developer and Panelist at a Pre-Conference Workshop at Comparative and International
Education Society, 2020 Virtual Conference.
Grants & Funded Research
National Science Foundation: Division Of Undergraduate Education
Research Project. A Longitudinal Mixed-methods Study of Developmental Networks. Funding
Period November 2024 – August 2025. Research Consultant. Overall funded: $306,762.00;
LSU funded: $14,631.
National Science Foundation
Research Project. Identifying and Eliminating Systemic Intolerance in Promotion and
Tenure Processes. Funding Period June 2024 – May 2029. Co-PI. Overall funded: $4,500,000;
LSU funded: $35,000.
National Science Foundation
Research Project. External Review Letters in Promotion and Tenure Decision Making.
Research Consultant. Funding Period 2021 – 2024. Research Consultant. Overall funded:
$2,000,005; LSU funded: $8,777.78.
Glasgow Caledonian University Global Challenges and Sustainable Development Unit Research
Research Project. Understanding the Psychosocial, Cultural, and Economic Benefits
of Mixed Mentoring. Co-Investigator. Funding Period April 2021 – July 2021. Amount
funded: £6,909.49.
Drexel University 2020 Faculty Summer research Awards
Research Project. Title: Construction and Initial Validation of an Adult Learning
in Mentoring Scale: Rethinking the Mentor's Role. Graduate Assistant. Funding Period
Summer 2020. Amount funded: $7,000.
Honors & Awards
Elwood F. Holton III Research Excellence Award Finalist
Human Resource Development Review; 2022
Richard Swanson Award Finalist
Academy of Human Resource Development; 2021
Graduated Summa-Cum Laude
California State University; Sacramento,CA; 2010
Faculty Endowment for Student Scholarship Award
California State University; Sacramento, CA; 2010