Internal Grants
The College of Human Sciences & Education offers a variety of internal grants that support faculty, students, and graduate assistants. These include Faculty Research & Travel Grants, Global Study Abroad Program, Graduate Student and GA Travel Grants.
The Faculty Research Grant Program provides financial support to CHSE faculty conducting a university/IRB-approved research project. The proposed research project should be used as a leverage to enhance the external funding portfolio of CHSE. Proposals should make clear how the disbursed funds by this program will enhance chances to get an award from an external funding agency.
The Faculty Travel Grant Program provides financial support to CHSE faculty raveling to present research at a professional conference. The intent is to supplement travel funds made available by the School, indirect cost recovery, sponsored projects, and other faculty travel grant programs. The fund is not intended to replace these existing resources; therefore, evidence must be provided that support from these sources has been sought, exhausted, and/or denied.
The Global Study Abroad Program provides financial support to Undergraduate and Graduate Students majoring in a program offered within the College of Human Sciences & Education who participate in an LSU study abroad program offered by Faculty of the College of Human Sciences & Education. The program provides a stipend for approved travel expenses by CHSE students who satisfy the following criteria:
- enrolled in a CHSE major
- having a GPA of 3.0 or above
- participates in an LSU Study Abroad program offered by CHSE Faculty
The Graduate Assistant Travel Grant Program provides financial support to GAs engaged in formal research activities. The program provides reimbursement for approved travel expenses by any CHSE GA who satisfies the following criteria:
- enrolled in a CHSE graduate program
- employed as graduate assistant within the college
- participates as an officially invited presenter or co-presenter at a professional conference to disseminate scholarly research
- endorsed by the major professor to present at the professional conference
The Graduate Student Travel Grant Program provides financial support to Graduate Students engaged in formal research activities. The program provides reimbursement for approved travel expenses by any CHSE GS who satisfies the following criteria:
- enrolled in an on-campus CHSE graduate program when applying and when travel has been completed.
- participates as an officially invited presenter or co-presenter at a professional conference to disseminate scholarly research
- endorsed by the CHSE major professor to present at the professional conference and an indication about the expected date of graduation of the endorsed student
- does not have a Graduate Assistantship appointment at LSU